Dakar …Africa I believe in You…

Fabulafricana back in Dakar sharing her experiences!!

The Little Grey Number May 25, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — yayemarie2226 @ 10:55 pm

Zaime bcp this dress…voila c’est tout:)



Nice Cream…Dakar..souki souki:) May 24, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — yayemarie2226 @ 11:09 pm

The rule of the day …self acceptation..

Loving oneself despite the little imperfections we may have, being able to say ok maybe Im not totally where I want to be but Im aight where I am…

Ice cream with Henriette at Nice Cream, downtown Dakar city..

Nice way to end the weekend:)



Histoire de Dakhin with the Ndao sistas , choco mouse with the ‘bestie’…:)

Filed under: Uncategorized — yayemarie2226 @ 3:27 am

Dakhin…one of my fav’ dish, made w/peanut butter , rice, meat …I love it!!

So my gal Dior invited me over her family hizzy …and I ate ate..

The Ndao sistas are so much fun, music,sabar dance, laughters, fruits, juice, they spoiled me…thank you ladies:)

Choco mouse it was in the evening with the bestie Rica…convos,’ confidences’,….friendship it was:)

PS: I forgot to add that for my little pleasure of the day I made myself pancakes lol..and…with bananas..ok thats it lol



Domaine de Nianing, Here We Come! May 18, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — yayemarie2226 @ 8:20 am

This was my first time at the Domaine de Nianing and I really enjoyed myself

The resort is quite peaceful, the property is huge, there are tennis courts, basketball courts, couple of swimming pools,a playa, buffet, games and a cheesy show in the evening

It’s really the type of spot you want to go to when you need to unwind, I actually thought that it would be the perfect spot for a married couple who needs to talk things out ect…

I didndt have my camera on me at the time when I visited the animals area, they had monkeys, crocodiles, turtles and a bunch of other friendly  and not so friendly animals

The staff is on the friendly side for the most part, the area is clean, there were a lot of French and American tourists…

Good weekend:)




Filed under: Uncategorized — yayemarie2226 @ 9:08 am


Fridays are days in Dkr to celebrate our African heritage

I look forward to friday when men look so sexy If I can say so wink wink with their ganilla bazin outfits probably ironed by their wives mothers sisters or maids

Women look so elegant with their high heels and accessories …

Fridays are also the days when men go to the Mosk to praise Allah collectively …

Fridays in Dkr I love:)




Filed under: Uncategorized — yayemarie2226 @ 8:24 am

So much fun, ohhh I loved the play, it was abt a family of Lebanese imigrants who reside in Ivory Coast, abt the question of identity that these people sometimes go through, do they still belong to Liban or to this new land who welcomed them..mm the play didnt really answer totally because its hard to answer it completely….

There is a huge Lebanese community here in Dkr and in Ivory Coast aparently , the new generation hasnt for the most part been to Liban, they only know it through the words of their parents and have established themselves in africa..

At the same time its hard for them to define themselves as africans so who are they is the question they face? the play was full of great characters full in colors, the public was generous, I def’ recomend it

I think that they are supposed to play one more time tonite at Daniel Sorano if you are in town def’ go see it..

The clip bellow is with my 2 fav’ characters, enjoy:)




Filed under: Uncategorized — yayemarie2226 @ 7:37 am

Thai..Thai so glad there’s a nice thai resto in Dkr…

I missed my 19th street NY resto..but this one does it for me as well:)

Part of my fam’ Tapha, Ibou,Henriette and new friend Ntombi who’s visiting from South Africa enjoyed ourselves over Obama, Michelle and Slumdog Millionaire talk…

The prices are decent, the food is actually quite good, I had the thai curry shrimp white rice dish…only thing is u know I got keep it real w/yall management wasn’t too on the friendly side…customer service , customer service..ahh dakar…lol but not really ..lol

Ohh one last thing their caramalized banana dessert is off the hizzy, loved it:)

Thai it was…..




Filed under: Uncategorized — yayemarie2226 @ 7:29 am


Going to the tailor is always a pleasure for a woman…Feeling like the tailor has given u his undivided attention, that he’ll do a great job with ur orders is always a nice moment..:)

Histoire de chiffon…go figure ladies:)




Wedding, Friendship, Food,Life in Dakar May 2, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — yayemarie2226 @ 11:50 am

My cousine Anna was getting married, I was blessed to be in attendance it was moving to see a sister of mine getting married, trop contente many great things for the Kone’s in the future Inch’Allah:)

On pic number one as it’s tradition in our land, Ana is making her entrance as a married woman to her guests at the hand of the chosen aunty on that day by the family who serves as her “mother” that day, you cant hear it but griots were at that moment singing her praise and the ones of her family, its very moving and at that point you see how marriage is deep, she was so moved and so beautiful as a woman during that single moment, I’ll always remenber it:)

Mouna and Astou both repped beautifully, one wearing a design straight from Bamako in the orange bazin, and the other one in a beige and creamy lin fabric…:)

My girl Mouna was in town visiting from BK , laughters, deep convs, the usual thats we do when we get togetha ma go tout simplement:)

Dior and I gave you a tour of the Toukouleur one of my fav’ restos in Dkr via the following video even if I had to go fulani crazy on the owner and the waiters who kept interupting our diner trying to rush us, I dont get upset often but I just had to give it to them, other than that love the food, the decor and the quietness of the place:)

Voila c’etait tout!
